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Customized products and services for business owners

We are committed to helping you maximize the success and profitability of your business. Our specialized products and services can help give your business the cash flow and support it needs to thrive.

Some of the services we offer and can assist with include:

Cash management strategies

Making the most of large cash balances while preserving the value of those assets is a significant concern for many businesses. We can discuss a range of liquid depository instruments to address this need.

Employee benefit plans

A competitive employee benefit package helps you attract and keep employees, regardless of the size of your company.

Business owner life insurance

As a business owner, it’s important to consider both replacing the income your family depends on, and also providing funds to pay off business-related liabilities.

Buy-sell agreements

If your business has more than one owner, you need to understand the risks you may face if one of you dies unexpectedly. A buy-sell agreement sets up how ownership of the business may be transferred if one owner dies.

Key person life insurance

Businesses that rely heavily upon the contributions of any one particular employee are able to protect against the financial impact of that employee’s death. We can show you how.

Succession planning and business exit strategies

It can be helpful to start the succession planning and exit strategy process many years in advance.

  • Selling a business: There are many options to consider in the sale of a business and the use of sale proeeds to replace lost income.
  • Transferring the business to a family member: There are a variety of succession planning strategies to transfer a business to a family member.

Insurance products are offered through nonbank insurance agency affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company and are underwritten by unaffiliated insurance companies.